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Aquarium Founder
For more information about becoming an Aquarium Founder, please email or call 321.254.9453 x 237.
Transformational: Avtec Homes; Bernard A. Egan Foundation; Beth Gitlin and Scott Hoffman; Bill and Susan Gattle Family; Blain and Annette Nelson; Bonnie and Jack Mollen; Brent and Deanna Peoples and Family; Brian and Hope Fisher; Chenzyme Foundation;
Daniel and Mary Ann Sperando; Dawn and Stephen Mays; Deal Family; Gary and Linda Doyle; Jim and Darleen Barfield; John and Patricia Bowen; Linda and Randy May; Lois Felder and Family; Ninesling Family; Noel Heiks and Kevin Key; Publix Super Markets Charities; Ron and Lynne DiMenna; Ron Jon Surf Shop; Roy and Barbara Stevens Charitable Foundation; Scaife Family; Scott and Joan Sorensen; Shane Weiger; Surfing’s Evolution and Preservation Foundation; Susan and Richard Weber; The Henderson Family; The Norwich Family; Theresa and Mike Williams
Visionary: Barbara Bush; Barbara Wall-Scanlon in Memory of MG Charles F. Scanlon Beloved Husband; Baxter Electric, LLC;
Bill and Jill Moore; Brian and Natasha Spencer; Christine Lance; Christopher and Laura Slater; Community Credit Union of Florida; Deanne Dailey Hansen; Dee and Stuart Waldron; Dennis Jenkins and Jenifer Brand; Donald and Karen Hagen; Dr. Shashi Patel;
Ed Breakell and Donna Burleson; Embraer Foundation; Hauser Family Foundation; Heather and Patrick McDonough; Howard and Susan Zemser; James and Megan Ross; Jason and Mijee Walker; Jennifer Urbauer-Parsons and Jeremy Parsons; Jim and Jacie Stivers; Kathy and Randy Poliner; Kim and Dave Africano; Kymm and Kevin Ivey; Lew and Heather Schwartz; Liguori Family Tony, Sharon, Ann, Jim Vero Beach, FL; Mark and Nancy Tomassone; Marlene and Keith Winsten; Michael, Tonya, Pierce and Kian Cerow; Patty and Andy Ziegler; Peter and Jenna Mannino; Peter Charamut; Robin Beach; Rockledge Rotary Foundation; Scott and Susan Flemming; Sherry and Andy Hutcherson;
Space Coast Credit Union; Steve and Lisa Charpentier; The Simons Family; The Stafford Family; Tom and Anita Unrath; Tracey and Kris Latshaw; Tracey E Hutchinson Kickbusch; Vince Lamb; Walter Zoller and Rose Duszkin; Wendy and Jose Hixon
Founders: Abraham-Romanowski Family; Alan Marumoto; Alan Ross Frisher Family; Albert E. and Birdie W. Einstein Fund; Allison and Peter Heinen; Alluvionic Family; Andrew and Rachel Ramos; Ariana and Alexander Roman; Avanti Way – Space Coast; Barbara + John Goullet; Barbara Dickman Wright; Barbara Mihelcic; Bert and Val Alm; Beth Kring; Bill and Carol Peters; Bill and Nita Liddy; Birmingham Family; Bonny Block and Clinton Glass; Brad and Biba Bernkrant; Brandy and Shawn Bean; Brett and Diane Baccus Horsley, Kyle and Justin Lieneck; Brewer Paving and Development; Brian, Casey and Oliver Ellingson; Bryan, Jennifer, Alex and Brayden Cheek; Buck and Jennie Kriete; Burke Family; Carol and Karl Kruse; Carolyn VanBergen-Rylander; Charles and Barbara Guenzi; Charles and Erin Warren; Charlotte Houser; Cheryl and Michael McPhillips; Cocoa Beach Woman’s Club Foundation; Coralie Betz; CW3(R) Coleen Seitter; Dana Polites; Dave and Darlene Borinski; David Black and Amy Bohrod; David Splitt; Deborah and William Harmon; Deborah Toler – Lewandowski; Denise and Jason Stanley; Don and Donna Deis; Don and Judy Ackerman; Doug and Patty Dial; Doug, Catherine, Ethan and AnaCate Wright; Dr. David Volpitto and Donna Adams Volpitto; Dr. Diane and Frank Bergau; Dr. James and Kathy Bacsik; Dr. Karen Huebner; Dr. Linda Martin; Drs. Jane Benton and Lawrence Robinson; Duane De Freese; Elaina Friesel Garvin and Family; Eliza, Matthew, and Nathan Juliano; Ellen Winter and Matt Svejcar; Emily and Max Kornek; Eric and Lesli Austin; Florida Sport Fishing Association; For Amelia, Henry and Madeline; Frank Manfredi Family; Giles and Tonya Rainwater; Glenn Young and Liz Moran-Young;
Guy and Audrey A. Tucker; Hans and Genita Garcia; Harrison and Rebecca Cord; Heart and Soul Dragon Boat Club; Holly and Lawrence Tanner; Holly Howe Parker; Ilene Davis and Bob Socks; In Loving memory of Kendall Ketterer; In Memory of Donna Ogburn; James and Barbara Proctor; James B. and Zachary J. Baer; Jay Edinger; Jeff and Susan Middleton; Jeremy and Adrian Jensen; Jessica Cartagena Assam; Jim and Cathy Bouck; Jim and Edie Burney; Jim Green and Diane Moretti; Joan Engel; Jody, Graham, Coral and Marin; Joe and Pennie DiPrima; Joe and Yvonne Raley; Joseph and Linda Arana; Joshua John Wood; Judy and Bill Mishkin; Julie Harrison and Dr. Stephen Watts; Kathryn and Alex Rudloff; Kathy Seidel and Mark James; Keith and Anne Barto; Kim and Sally Volz; Kirk and Peggy Hall Sentry View Systems; Klein Family; Knolmayer Family; KSC Barracudas; Larry and Bonnie Smith; Lawler Family; Lawrence Pollack; Leah M. Combs Endowment Fund; Lee and Eleanor Sheldon; Leslie and Robert Ogan; Leslie, Abbey and Scott Sims; Linda and Bob Greenstein; Linda and Rod Stout; Lisa and Tom Guy; Lisa Littleton; Lisa Mullooly and David Smith; Lois, Rich, Michael, Brian, Erica, Caylie, Jemma, Brielle Hardin; Luhn Family; Luke Dumas and Adam Lightfoot; Lynne Nenstiel; Malcolm and Lauren Brand; Margaret Heins Foundation; Marilyn Waters and Gene Shepard; Marjorie Brace; Marla Glover; Mary and Gerald Hubbard; Mary Baldwin; Matt and Karen Zifcak; Matthew and Krista Milas; Michael Atigna and Dawn Dickson; Michael Hill and Pam Rothenberg; Michele Goodwin; Michelle and Steve Russell; Mike and Jan MacKay; Mike and Julie Peacock; Mike and Kim Jaffe; Mike Selig Jan 2007 Family Trust; Milo and Kristine Zonka; Missy, Jay and Abigal DiBella; Mitch and Kathryn Varnes; Patricia and Pat Burgess; Patricia DiNunno, John Jordan Esq in Memory of Ann Schuiling; Patricia Marzzacco; Penelope Brangan; Phyllis Okrepkie; Ralph and Debbie Merritt; Richard and Beth Blackford; Robert and Mary Van Horn; Rocky and Lisa Johnson; Rod and Nicole Warden; Rogue Valley Microdevices, Inc.; Ruth Bentley and Kenneth Herrmann; Ruth Freud; Scott and Lori Levy; Shari and Greg Deane; Sharon Mion; Shelly, Eric, Evan and Ellie Cooper; Shirley Ring; Sky and Maureen Ayers; Stephanie and Wes Mosedale; Stephen and Alice Tarr; Stephen and Jennifer Lacey; Steve and Kathleen Nichols; Steve and Marilyn Wolf; Susan and James Belcher; Susan Kreuzer; Tamara Bettinger and Joseph Bielitzki; Tanya and Jim Hudson; Teresa and Dusty Rhodes; Terry and Melinda Casto; The Frank, Laurie, David, Emily Der Family; The Inn at Cocoa Beach; The Johnson Family – Neal, Terri, Brittany and Tara; The Kline Family; The Knappenberger Family; The Law Office Of Amy B. van Fossen, P.A.; The Passarella Family; The Rhude Family; Thomas and Susan Shirley; Thor Gould; Tim and Allison Mollen; Tim and Cami Hester; Tim, Kara, Alanna + Ava Boyd; Timothy and Marilyn Bollo; Tina Berger; Todd, Jenny and Alex Page;
Tony and Mckenzie Tran; Travis and Theresa Proctor; Trevor, Loren, Ada and Pepper; TUTLES Family; Walders Family; Wendy and Bill Potter; Wendy Poffenberger; Yvonne Buysman
East Coast Zoological Foundation
Brevard Zoo | Future Bowen Aquarium
8225 N. Wickham Rd.
Melbourne, FL 32940
East Coast Zoological Foundation is an IRS-designated 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax-deductible. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the division of consumer services ( by calling 1-800-HELP-FLA toll-free within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state. Registration #CHI1341. By donating to our cause, you acknowledge that should The Aquarium Project not come to fruition, these pledged funds will be directed to the East Coast Zoological Foundation’s greatest need.
All Photos ©East Coast Zoological Foundation of Florida, Inc. and affiliates, unless otherwise noted.